Thursday Night Thoughts #3

I cannot even begin to tell you how much better this week as been than last. The kids recuperated from their allergy/sinus/virus thingy. Oral steroids ended. Yay! My sweet boy is (kind of) back again. You can read all about his roid rage in last week’s Thursday Night Thoughts. Here are the new thoughts that have been running laps in my mind this week. As you read this we are on the road headed toward Destin, Florida.

  1. Our first family of 5 vacation..without Nana and Papa…or any other help started this evening. If you’re the praying kind, please say a small prayer for safe travels and that I don’t lose what mind I have left. I’m saying a prayer that we all just get along. No fighting and no tears (on my part). Fingers crossed
    that we come home loving one another as much as we did when we left! We’re taking our time getting there; stopping in Tennessee and Alabama before we get to our condo on the beach. Hopefully that will help with the stress of traveling with three two-year olds. Again, a prayer is appreciated.beach-sand-blue-ocean
  2. I sometimes feel like I’m turning my kids into brats. When they want something I give it to them with little hesitation. For example: Tuesday after nap time they wanted a snack. Fine. Jase wanted graham crackers, Sadie wanted fruit snacks, and Henley wanted cheese. Okay. Then Henley wanted fruit snacks, but hadn’t finished her cheese yet. I told her she needed to eat her cheese then she could have something else. She screamed and cried. All the while Sadie is standing next to me asking for cheese over and over and over again. And Jase is yelling that he wants fruit snacks now. And to just get them to shut up for 5 seconds I give them what they want – even though they haven’t finished what they asked for in the first place. Sometimes I can’t handle all the noise at once. It’s like my ears have become very sensitive to sound and I’ll pretty much do anything for a moment of silence. Raising triplets is hard. Half the time I’m sure that I’m not doing anything right and the other half I’m praying that what I am doing isn’t shaping my kids into little a-holes. Seriously. I don’t want little a-hole kids. I know a few of them and they suck.
  3. I had a few blogs before this one. Did you know that? This particular post found its way back into my head again. I’ve been laying in bed at night, trying to fall asleep, with these words swirling around keeping me awake. I wrote this in December 2010. Enjoy.

    I’m From
    I’m 30 and lived in 6 towns in 2 states. I grew up in my parent’s first home and their last. I’ve inhabited a dorm, an apartment, and a townhouse. I’ve lived in the quiet country and in the middle of a questionable part of town. I survived living with my Grandma, my sister and my in-laws. Today I live on Michigan Avenue. All of those places I called home, but this is where I am really from…

    I am from the orange rocking chair where my mom used to sing me to sleep and the Smurf sheets where she would lay me to bed.

    I am from Grandma’s biscuits and gravy and Grandpa’s tall tales, Sunday school with Grandma Shirley and exploring (terrorizing) Mulkeytown with Uncle Tony.

    I am from Frieda, Molly, Julie, Sam, Coco, Scooter, Bobby, Coby and Harley and Avery too.

    I am from sleepovers with grade school friends and (years later) hangovers with them too.

    I am from Scottish, Hungarian, and American Indian ancestry.

    I am from pulling hair, biting, and scratching with Niki and then finally growing to be the best of friends.

    I am from long school bus rides and even longer nights on the phone with best friends.

    I am from Friday night football games and Saturday morning yard work.

    I am from hundreds of family photos kept nearby and hilarious home videos.

    I am from family dinner at the table (almost) every night and green pancakes for breakfast.

    I am from Christmas Eve appetizers and ham on Christmas Day.

    I am from a past that keeps me awake some nights and a loving husband that keeps me in the present and looks forward to our future.

    I am from chili with peanut butter and syrup sandwiches in the fall…and winter and spring and summer.

    I am from birthday parties in the basement and bonfires in the yard.

    I am from a heart so broken, I thought it would never heal and a heart so full of love I sometimes feel like it may explode.

    I am from back road cruises and summers that seemed to last forever.

    I am from Anna’s All Star Gymnastics, cheerleading, volleyball, track, and just one summer of softball; dance lessons, tennis lessons, and swim lessons.

    I am from a red, then pink, then purple, then black childhood bedroom.

    I am from a house in the middle of nowhere that I hated, but would now give anything to be there.

    My mom and dad in 1977

    I am from Charlie’s love of music and Patty’s laugh and infectious smile; their immeasurable love, integrity, and compassion.

    I feel like my life has started over more than once. That makes it difficult to remember my past; recollections are starting to fade. Sometimes I don’t know if my memories are dreams that I’ve had or if my history creates my dreams. But these I keep close to my heart. Of all the people, places, and things that consume my life, they are what make me feel most at home.

4) Since we are on vacation this week I will most likely not be blogging. You can still find me on Instagram and Facebook though. I’ll be posting super cute pics of some super cute kiddos. And maybe a few of me and Matt too!

The Evolution of Mom

This post is also linked to That Friday Blog Hop today!

One thought on “Thursday Night Thoughts #3

  1. Have a great vacation with your family,post lots of memories and some not so good ones,thats whats life is about. Sometimes its hard to decide what to do just be thankful for all your blessings you have have

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